Are Whitening Toothpastes Really OK To Use? Which Toothpaste is Safest? How Can I Tell?

Toothpaste is a frequent topic of conversation during Gilford Dental preventative care appointments. This makes sense since most of us brush twice a day and we want to know our favorite toothpaste brand is safe, effective, and living up to its promises of whitening, sensitivity reduction, enamel protection, cavity-prevention, etc. But often what we don’t know […]

Gilford Dental Introduces Kids Cavity-Free Club for Patients 14 and Younger

Gilford, NH—February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, and as part of its celebration, Gilford Dental, a full-service dental practice located in Gilford, New Hampshire, is introducing the Kids Cavity-Free Club. To become members of the Kids Cavity-Free Club, Gilford Dental patients ages 14 and younger must be cavity-free at their 6-month exam. Those who […]